HIST 258:  Indian Ocean
Rise of Agriculture

BIG FACTS:  Approximately 11,000 bp [9000 BC or BCE]:  gradual shift from hunting/gathering to "food production"



"Food production" =  Agriculture [plant cultivation] and Pastoralism [animal husbandry] = AGRARIAN?

"Autocatalytism" = when two or more factors/processes work jointly to stimulate an expansion in both or all factors/processes

Diffusion, Displacement, Infusion, Adoption?


Implications [advantages?] of food production over hunting/gathering:  higher population density



SO:  why the shift from hunting/gathering to farming/herding?
Some factors/mechanisms:  are they causes or effects?
      1. Availability of wild food?
      2. Increased availability of cultivars?
      3. Development of tools applicable to both hunting/gathering and farming/pastoralism?
      4. Rise in population?


Indus Map:  major sites

Indus Map:  Ravi phase

Rise of Agriculture:  Jared Diamond

View of Great Bath and adjacent sites, Mohenjodaro

Street level view, Mohenjodaro

Bath/Toilet, Mohenjodaro

Toy carts, Nausharo

Boat tablet, Mohenjodaro

Unicorn seal (front), Mohenjodaro

Priest-King, Mohenjodaro

Timeline, Harappa.com

Further reading:

J. Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel:  The Fates of Human Societies (New York: Norton, 1997)

David R. Harris (ed.), The Origins and Spread of Agriculture and Pastoralism in Eurasia (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian, 1996)